Neutron Interactions and Cross-sections
Neutrons, being electrically neutral, can pass through the electron cloud of atoms without electrical influence and directly interact with atomic nuclei. We explore the types of neutron interaction...
Neutrons, being electrically neutral, can pass through the electron cloud of atoms without electrical influence and directly interact with atomic nuclei. We explore the types of neutron interaction...
We explore the Bernoulli equation and its solution method, as well as the logistic equation, which is a special form of the Bernoulli equation.
We explore the relationship between decay constants, half-lives, and mean lifetimes of radioactive nuclides, and calculate the radioactivity of radioactive nuclides at any given time t in a given d...
Let's explore the method of solving first-order linear ordinary differential equations.
Learn about the Segre Chart, types of radioactive decay, and isomeric transitions.
Explore the mass-energy equivalence principle of relativity theory and calculate the energy of moving electrons considering relativistic effects.
Learn about the identification and solution methods for exact differential equations, as well as integrating factors.
We explore the method of separation of variables and introduce several related examples.
Explore the concepts of mathematical modeling, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and initial value problems.
Learn about the characteristics and differences between static and dynamic web pages, explore static site generators, and host a Jekyll blog on GitHub Pages.