
Creating and Managing a GitHub Pages Blog

Learn about the characteristics and differences between static and dynamic web pages, explore static site generators, and host a Jekyll blog on GitHub Pages.

Creating and Managing a GitHub Pages Blog

I started hosting a blog on GitHub Pages using Jekyll in early 2021. However, since I didn’t properly document the installation process at the time of setting up the blog, I encountered some difficulties with maintenance later on. So I decided to briefly outline the installation process and maintenance methods.

(+ Content updated December 2024)

1. Static Site Generator & Web Hosting

1-1. Static Web Page vs Dynamic Web Page

Static Web Page

  • A web page that delivers data stored on the server directly to the user
  • The web server delivers a pre-stored page corresponding to the user’s request
  • Users see the same web page unless the data stored on the server is changed
  • Generally faster response as it only needs to send the file corresponding to the request, without additional processing
  • Consists of simple files, so only a web server needs to be set up, making it cost-effective to build
  • Limited service as it only shows pre-stored information
  • Data addition, modification, and deletion must be done manually by the administrator
  • Structure is easier for search engines to crawl, making it relatively more advantageous for search engine optimization (SEO)

Dynamic Web Page

  • A web page that processes and delivers data stored on the server using scripts
  • The web server interprets the user’s request, processes the data, and delivers the generated web page
  • Users see web pages that change according to situations, time, requests, etc.
  • Relatively slower response as scripts need to be processed to deliver the web page
  • Additional costs incurred during setup as it requires an application server in addition to a web server
  • Enables various services by dynamically providing combinations of diverse information
  • Depending on the web page structure, users can add, modify, and delete data from the browser

1-2. Static Site Generator (SSG)

  • A tool that generates static web pages based on raw data (usually markdown format text files) and predefined templates
  • Automates the process of building and deploying web pages by writing posts in markdown, without the need to directly write individual HTML pages
  • Examples: Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, Eleventy

1-3. GitHub Pages

  • A free static web page hosting service provided by GitHub
  • Allows hosting of one personal representative web page per account, and unlimited project documentation pages can be created and hosted per repository
  • After creating a repository with the name format ‘{username}’ to match your GitHub username, you can either directly push built HTML pages to that repository or use GitHub Actions to perform build and deployment
  • If you own a domain, you can connect it in the settings to use a different domain address instead of the default ‘{username}’ format

2. Choosing an SSG and Theme

2-1. Reasons for Choosing Jekyll

While there are several SSGs like Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, etc., I decided to use Jekyll. The criteria I considered in the process of selecting an SSG and the reasons for choosing Jekyll are as follows:

  • Can it minimize unnecessary trial and error and allow focus on writing and blog operation?
    • Jekyll is the officially supported static website generator for GitHub Pages. Of course, other SSGs like Hugo, Gatsby can also be hosted on GitHub Pages, and there’s also the option of using other hosting services like Netlify, but for running a personal blog of this scale, the technical aspects of which SSG was used for construction and build speed, performance, etc., are not very important. So I decided it would be better to use something that’s even slightly easier to maintain and has more reference documents.
    • Jekyll also has the longest development period compared to other competitors like Hugo and Gatsby. As a result, it is well-documented, and there is an overwhelming amount of reference material available when problems actually occur.
  • Are there a variety of themes and plugins available?
    • Even if you’re not writing HTML directly but using an SSG, creating various templates yourself is cumbersome, time-consuming, and unnecessary. There are many excellent themes already available on the web, so you can adopt and utilize one that you like.
    • Moreover, since I mainly use C or Python, I’m not very familiar with Ruby used by Jekyll or Go language used by Hugo, so I wanted to actively utilize existing themes and plugins.
    • With Jekyll, I could quickly find a theme that I liked at first glance, whereas Hugo and Gatsby seemed to have relatively fewer themes suitable for personal blog purposes. As mentioned above, the connectivity with GitHub Pages, which is widely used by developers for personal blog hosting, and the development period seem to have had a significant impact here as well.

2-2. Theme Selection

Minimal Mistakes (January 2021 - April 2022)

  • Github Repo:
  • Demo Page:
  • The theme I used for about 1 year and 3 months when I first created the blog
  • Supports comment functionality through Disqus, Discourse, utterances, etc.
  • Supports category and tag classification features
  • Basic support for Google Analytics
  • Ability to choose from predefined skins
  • Although I later discovered the Chirpy theme which has a more appealing design and switched to it, considering it’s an engineering blog anyway, Minimal Mistakes had a clean design that was decent enough to use, even if not particularly pretty.

Chirpy Jekyll Theme (April 2022 - Present)

  • Github Repo:
  • Demo Page:
  • The theme I’ve been using since switching blog themes in April 2022
  • Supports multi-category classification and tag features
  • Basic support for LaTeX syntax equation expressions based on MathJax
  • Basic support for diagram functionality based on Mermaid
  • Supports comment functionality through Disqus, Giscus, etc.
  • Supports Google Analytics, GoatCounter
  • Supports light and dark themes
  • At the time of theme transition, features like MathJax and Mermaid were not natively supported by the Minimal Mistakes theme and had to be added through customization, but the Chirpy theme supports these natively. Of course, the customization wasn’t much, but it’s still a minor advantage.
  • Above all, the design is beautiful. While the Minimal Mistakes theme is clean, it has a certain stiffness that seems more suitable for official project technical documentation or portfolio pages rather than blogs. The Chirpy theme, on the other hand, has a design that doesn’t fall short compared to commercial blog platforms like Tistory, Medium, or velog.

3. Creating GitHub Repository, Building and Deploying

This is based on the currently (June 2024) used Chirpy Jekyll Theme, and assumes that Git is already installed.
Refer to the Jekyll official installation guide and Chirpy Jekyll Theme official page.

3-1. Installing Ruby & Jekyll

Install Ruby and Jekyll according to the Jekyll official installation guide for your operating system environment.

3-2. Creating GitHub Repository

The Chirpy Jekyll Theme official page introduces two methods:

  1. Using the “jekyll-theme-chirpy” gem to import core files and getting the rest of the resources from the Chirpy Starter template
    • Advantage: As mentioned later, it’s easy to apply version upgrades.
    • Disadvantage: Customization is limited.
  2. Forking the jekyll-theme-chirpy repository as your blog’s repository
    • Advantage: As you directly manage all files within the repository, you can freely customize even features not supported by the theme by modifying the code directly.
    • Disadvantage: To apply version upgrades, you need to merge the latest upstream tag of the original repository, which may sometimes conflict with your custom code. In this case, you need to resolve the conflict manually.

I chose method 1. The Chirpy theme is highly complete by default, so most users don’t have much to customize. Moreover, as of 2024, it’s still being actively developed and improved, so unless you’re planning to heavily modify it, the benefits of keeping up with the original upstream outweigh the benefits of applying direct customization. The official Chirpy theme guide also recommends method 1 for most users.

3-3. Main Settings

Apply the necessary settings in the _config.yml file in the root directory and the _data/contact.yml, _data/share.yml files. The comments are well-written and the settings are intuitive, so you can apply them without much difficulty. The settings that require separate work externally include registering an authentication code for Google Search Console integration and linking webmaster tools like Google Analytics or GoatCounter, but these procedures are not really complicated and are not the core topic I want to cover in this article, so I’ll omit detailed descriptions.

3-4. Building Locally

This is not a mandatory procedure, but you might want to check in advance if a new post you’ve written or some modification you’ve made to the site will display correctly on the web. In this case, open a terminal in the root directory of your local repository and run the following command:

$ bundle exec jekyll s

After waiting for a few seconds, the site will be built locally and you can check the result at

3-5. Deploying

There are two methods:

  1. Using GitHub Actions (when hosting on GitHub Pages)
    • If you’re using the GitHub Free Plan, you need to keep the repository public
    • On the GitHub webpage, select the Settings tab of the repository, click Code and automation > Pages in the navigation bar on the left, and select the GitHub Actions option in the Source section
    • After setup is complete, the Build and Deploy workflow will automatically run every time a new commit is pushed
  2. Building and deploying directly (when using other hosting services or self-hosting)
    • Run the following command to build the site directly
        $ JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll b
    • Upload the build results in the _site directory to the server

4. Writing Posts

The Chirpy theme’s post writing guide well documents how to write posts and the options available. It provides various features beyond what is described in this article, and it contains useful information to refer to, so check the official documentation if needed. Here, we’ll summarize the main points to keep in mind every time you post.

Creating a Markdown File

  • Name format:
  • Location: _posts directory

Writing Front Matter

At the beginning of the markdown file, you need to write the Front Matter appropriately.

title: TITLE
description: >-
tags: [TAG]
  path: /path/to/image
  alt: image alternative text
toc: true
comments: false
math: true
mermaid: true
  • title: Post title
  • description: Summary. If not written, it automatically uses a part of the beginning of the main content, but it’s recommended to write the description meta tag directly for search engine optimization (SEO). An appropriate length is about 135-160 characters for Roman alphabet-based languages, or 80-110 characters for Korean.
  • date: Exact post creation date and time with timezone (optional, if omitted, it automatically uses the file creation date or modification date information)
  • categories: Category classification of the post
  • tags: Tag classification to apply to the post
  • image: Insert preview image at the top of the post
    • path: Image file path
    • alt: Alternative text (optional)
  • toc: Whether to use the table of contents feature in the right sidebar, default is true
  • comments: Used when you want to explicitly specify whether to use comments for individual posts, separate from the site’s default settings
  • math: Activate the built-in MathJax-based equation expression feature, default is deactivated (false) for page performance
  • mermaid: Activate the built-in Mermaid-based diagram expression feature, default is deactivated (false)

5. Upgrading

This is described assuming method 1 was chosen in 3-2. If method 2 was chosen, as mentioned earlier, you need to directly merge the latest upstream tag.

  1. Edit Gemfile to specify the new version of the “jekyll-theme-chirpy” gem.
  2. For major upgrades, core files not included in the “jekyll-theme-chirpy” gem and configuration options may have changed. In this case, you need to check the changes using the GitHub API below and reflect them directly:
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